



This temple was built on what was an old mosque,
presenting three naves with apse,. The church has on the outside with two
magnificent ogival covers in stone, flared and with archivolts; The most
artistic, with beautiful images on columns and under the canopy, is placed at
the foot of the church, and a magnificent body of polilobulated blind arches
with sebka cloth topped by a fine line of stone carved horses in the form of
lion head. The other, located on the side of the epistle, where the line of
diamond tips of the inner arch protrudes. The date of these covers is estimated
from the beginning of the 15th century.
Three longitudinal naves of brick, the central one
more wide and high than the lateral ones, separated by high pillars also of
brick on which they support the pointed arches that support the wood coffered
ceiling and Mudejar style of the roof. And as is usual in this type of church,
the presbytery, where the main chapel is located, is deep and finished in a
polygonal apse, and is covered with a stone vault divided into sections by Gothic
The tower, attached to the front of the ship of the
Epistle, is the product of several restorations. Built in the late seventeenth
century by Juan Gómez, suffered the effects of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755,
then rebuilt according to project of Pedro de Silva in 1758 and executed by his
son Andrew.
It had to be reconstructed after the damages suffered
by the Lisbon earthquake of 1755. In its interior there are altarpieces, images
and canvases of great value, both artistic, historical and cultural, attributed
to important artists such as Miguel Polanco and Zurbarán.
The church is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of
the Christ of Health and Good Travel, which processions to the cathedral church
on Holy Tuesday. Also of the Brotherhood of the Virgin of the Light, that makes
annual procession with its image in the month of September.
Resultado de imagen de iglesia de san esteban sevillaResultado de imagen de iglesia de san esteban sevilla

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